Release Notes

vScope 3.29


June 17, 2024

What’s new

Export Price lists in Billing

We have added the possibility to export price lists in Billing. You can either export a single price list from the detail view…

…Or make a bulk export from the price list overview.

When exporting, choose between the current or all versions, and the price list is then downloaded as an XLSX file in a compressed file.

Identify your assets in Billing

We have added a secondary identifier for assets in Billing which is applied to the price items. This is useful when having i.e. user accounts with ambiguous name tags.

Sign-in events, Application Usage Data and better control over you Azure discovery

Now you can inventory sign-in events for your app registrations in Azure RM. Go to your Azure App Registrations table and add e.g.”Last sign in” or other relevant sign-in events.

We have updated the property page for user accounts and added application usage data. This will help you to get a quick overview of any user’s application usage.


We have moved the App registration toggle as a subordinate to the Azure AD toggle. We then added a few more toggles such as: Users, Groups, and License plans. This gives you full control of what you wish to inventory from your Azure AD.

Bugs & Improvements

  • Add multiple tag values in “Add Manual Tag Float”
  • Fetch “CPU Name” from Windows Operating System
  • Error when deleting tables and dashboarded deleted in Library fixed
  • Widget added to dashboard float
  • Minimized logging of failed custom probe attribute (SCCM)
  • Bug in Desktop Central probe fixed


May 27, 2024

Bugs & Improvements

  • Approve proxies before being used in Discovery
  • Allow user to edit value(s) in List field type in IT Services
  • Optimized stitched strategies
  • Updated dropdown for users in IT Services
  • Missing pagination support for MS Reports in Azure probe fixed
  • Improved discovery performance for Intune (apps for devices)
  • Bug in search field text in filter pane fixed
  • Bug in Jamf Cloud discovery main schedule fixed
  • Updated content


May 20, 2024

Bugs & Improvements

  • Jamf Cloud not included in main schedule runs fixed
  • Azure AD reports: Last Teams / Sharepoint / Onedrive / Mailbox Activity tags missing for user accounts fixed


May 6, 2024

What’s new

New authentication for Adobe

As the JWT credentials will no longer be supported after Jan 27, 2025 we have now added oAuth authentication to vScope.


Bugs & Improvements

Bulk import columns now supported

Email Billing Export now supported

Added data to the Windows probe

Added bulk functionality when editing a IT Services


April 15, 2024

What’s new

Property page for Organizational units added

Now, users have access to comprehensive details about organizational units through property cards. These cards offer insights into General Information, Configurations, Relationships, Users, and more,

Link from an IT service card to Tables

If you’re working in IT services and stumble upon a table you’re eager to delve deeper into, we’ve now included a direct link to access that specific table.

Bugs & Improvements

  • TLS v1.3 in Netty enabled
  • Description to the table in Tags Created from discovery & edit added
  • Creating and editing Credentials improved
  • Usability of match and range filter in Tables improved
  • Improved web security
  • Bug in the Oracle probe fixed
  • Bug in collaborators from dashboards to tables fixed

March 19, 2024

What’s new

Office 365 Application usage

Gain valuable insights into your team’s Office 365 application usage with our latest update. Newly added tags allow you to easily identify various activities in Office 365, such as the least recent user in Teams, the most recently added users in Exchange, or users with the highest storage usage in OneDrive.

Collaborators in IT Services

The ‘collaborators’ button has been moved from the secondary menu in IT Service Details to the header of the Service card. This change aims to improve user experience within IT Services, making navigation more seamless and intuitive.

Bugs & Improvements

  • The settings page in IT Service has got a UI update
  • Fixed date tag age computation in Tracker not always filtering correct
  • Various discovery bug fixes
  • Fixed a module assignment bug
  • New property page for Service Plan
  • Fixed weird scroll effect when Hovering on targets in CustomSQL and LDAP probes
  • Various UI/UX Improvements

February 5, 2024

What’s new

Custom Tag Collection from Azure RM

Tag from Azure RM

Enhance your cloud environment inventory in vScope by creating custom tags with values sourced directly from your Azure RM environment. This new feature allows you to tailor vScope’s inventory to include more data points relevant to your needs, enriching your cloud management capabilities.

Proper Bulk Actions

Bulk action sin vScope

We’ve streamlined bulk operations throughout vScope, enhancing your ability to manage large volumes of data and content efficiently on key overview pages, including IT Service Overview, Library, and Billing.

Easier search in vScope Billing

Searching in vScope Billing

Navigating through extensive billing details is now simpler. Our enhanced search functionality across all Billing sections allows you to swiftly filter and display only the information relevant to you, making it easier to manage and review your billing items.

Bugs & Improvements

  • Fix for related assets not updating when saving an IT Service.
  • Fix for not being able to push user settings to selected users and groups in User Management.
  • Fix for duplicate MAC addresses causing stitch issues for machines.
  • Fix for warning icons on IT services not always showing.
  • Various UI fixes to tables, settings, billing, and IT Services.

February 5, 2024

What’s new

Introducing PowerShell: Custom inventory of Registry Keys

Powershell in vScope

With PowerShell, you can now enjoy a more flexible and customizable approach to documenting and reporting on your IT assets. Using PowerShell to discover your IT infrastructure will unlock additional features such as Just Enough Administration (see below).

Printscreen of Windows Registry

The first step to a more flexible inventory is discovering custom keys from the Windows Registry. Try it out today!

Learn More

Enhanced Permission Management with Just Enough Administration (JEA)

A simple diagram on how Just Enough Administration Works.

JEA allows IT administrators to define and implement precise, role-based access control to their IT environments. By leveraging JEA within vScope, you can delegate sufficient permissions for vScope to read the exact data you want it to read on each server/client asset.

Get in touch to learn more

New interface for creating tags from discovery

Managing tags in vScope

We’ve updated the flow for creating a tag from discovery. This allows for a smoother experience when collecting custom values from your data sources, and adding them to tags in vScope.

How to create custom tags from discovery in vScope

Bugs & Improvements

  • You can now search in tables in Properties.
  • Fix for long dropdown headings being cut-off.
  • Fix for duplicate values in Asset Serial Number from Desktop Central.
  • Fix for not being able to delete notes from Properties.
  • Fix for not being able to add ‘False’ as tag value.
  • Fix for filters not being case insensitive when creating tags. If you want to use case sensitive filtering, please refer to hHow to use regular expressions in vScoperegular-expressions-in-vscope
  • Fix for not showing text area in IT services.
  • Fix for scroll issue when testing credential in Discovery Manager in Azure.
  • A few other fixes for consolidating the UI.

vScope 3.28


January 15, 2023

Bugs & Improvements

  • Added sorting in vScope Billing.
  • Various UI fixes and improvements.
  • Updated default columns when creating a new table for the asset type Databases.
  • Fix for table borders not showing in Firefox browsers.
  • Fix for not being able to write Time Since Last Logon (date range filters) in vScope Billing.
  • Fix for Credential/target test button sometimes becomes inactive after changes.
  • Fix for Profile page not being centered on the screen.
  • Double messages when no agreement exist on billing account in vScope Billing.
  • Fix for duplicate discoveries running for credentials using proxy.
  • Fix for bundling price items autofill quantity automatically and in a strange way.


December 18, 2023

Copy Price Items and Groups in vScope Billing

Copy price item float in vScope

Easily duplicate price items and groups from one price list to another, saving time and reducing manual data entry. This way you can copy existing filters, bundles and/or price settings so you don’t have to re-do all the work.

👉 Where to find…
Go to the price list you want to add the price item/group to. Click Create Price Item > Copy from price list > Select Price list and Price item/Price group.

Select and Bulk Export in vScope Billing

Bulk export in vScope Billing

You can now select and export multiple billing agreements simultaneously, streamlining your billing and reporting processes. Just select the rows and click “Export”. This will generate and download a .zip file containing the agreements you’ve selected.

Improved Data Quality for User Activity

Toggle in Azure Credential in Discovery

Enhanced data quality for user activity tracking from Azure and Microsoft Entra ID, ensuring more accurate and reliable information.

👉 Where to find…
As an vScope administrator, go to Discovery > Credentials > Azure RM > Advanced

Important: Reading more log data from Azure will affect your discovery performance. If you have a very large Microsoft Entra ID environment, these settings might be for you…

Custom Tag Discovery for Microsoft Entra ID

Tags from Discovery in vScope for Microsoft Entra ID

Enhance your tagging capabilities with customized tag discovery options specific to Microsoft Entra ID. This allows you to extend vScope’s Azure Discovery with more tags and notations from Azure AD.

👉 Where to find…
As an vScope administrator or contributor, go to Tags > Tags from Discovery > Azure RM > and select your asset type.

Learn More

Custom Domain Rules for Matching Assets

Custom Discovery Suggestions in vScope

Introducing the ability to create custom domain rules, allowing for more precise and tailored data stitching in your network.

Important: Please note that this is an advanced feature intended for selective use, as it can significantly impact data quality. We strongly advise consulting with our team prior to creating any custom matching rules.

👉 Where to find…
As a vScope administrator, go to Discovery > Suggestions > Custom and select the domains you want to consider as the same.


  • MAC Address is now displayed in Properties for Printers.
  • Tag Filters are now shown in Tags > Tag settings.
  • Various UI standardizations and improvements.
  • Major performance improvements related to Azure discovery.


  • Fix for not being able to save manual price items.
  • Fix for Jamf discovery with invalid credentials reports OK with empty results.


13 November, 2023

What’s New

Smart suggestions helping you during your workday

Popular columns in Tables in vScope

Popular Columns, based on our smart suggestion engine, have been added to Tables to help you sort among thousands of values about your assets. Popular Columns learns from your behaviour, and automatically improves its suggestions based on how

Where to find:

👉 Popular Columns are available to any user in Tables under + Columns.

Improved visibility of where assets have been found

vScope displaying information about data sources

Quickly understand the contributing data sources to an asset with the new “Found By” section on top of every Asset Properties.

Where to find:

👉 Data sources are now shown in Properties of any asset.

Explore IT Service relationships in Tables using Tags

Create a tag with tag from relationship in vScope

Create custom tags and build tables about IT services that looks exactly they way you want. By Exploring and adding tags from relations to other assets, you can now show various values from related IT Services in the same table. This is very powerful if you want to more easily understand configurations and documentation about dependencies among different IT Services.

Where to find:

👉 As Administrators and Contributors in vScope, you can access this features by accessing Tables > Create Table > IT Services > Create Tag > Tag From Relationship > IT Service

Navigate to different tables from Ratio widgets

Example of how to navigate to various tables  from a widget

You can now navigate to different tables that are used as source for a ratio or comparison widget. Just click on the number you are interested in and you will navigate to the underlying table.

Where to find:

👉 Available to any Ratio and Comparison widget. Notice that you must have permission to view the underlying table for this to work.

Bugs & Improvements

  • Added links to guides for how to connect to data sources to vScope.
  • Fix for export settings, where dates were formatted in the output though using raw (no) formatting.
  • Fix for Azure Credential missing Inactive Devices toggle.
  • Fix for Tags from Discovery that sometimes did not not work from the latest release.
  • Fix for Veeam Backup scan sometimes aborting.
  • Fix for erroneous stitching of assets, mainly from VMM.
  • Various UI bug fixes in vScope Billing.
  • Various UI improvements, standardizing different views in vScope.

3.28.2, 4 December, 2023

What’s New

Create shortcuts to your favorite assets in Dashboards

Shortcuts to various IT Service assets in vScope Dashboard

Create custom widgets and shortcuts to various assets in vScope. This is perfect if you want to eg. document specific IT services in a dashboard for a specific customer or organizational unit. You can choose exactly the values you want to show in the shortcut which enables even more customizability, why not show configurations of a server, or user activity for a user account?

An example of where shortcut widgets can be created

You can either create Shortcut widgets from scratch (In Edit Dashboard) or quickly add Properties to a Dashboard by selecting “Add to dashboard”

How to add a shortcut to an asset directly from Properties

Where to find…

👉 You can quickly create shortcuts from Properties, or build them from scratch in Edit Dashboard > Create Widget > Shortcut Widget

New Asset Types: Azure API Management

Documentation of Azure API Products in vScope
In this release, we’ve integrated support for inventorying Azure API Management in vScope. Azure API Management is a comprehensive solution facilitating the creation, deployment, and management of APIs. With vScope, users can now gain a centralized view of critical asset types, including APIs, API Products, and Service Subscriptions within their Azure API Management environment.

Inventoried Azure APIs

Moreover, the added functionality allows mapping relationships to user accounts, providing a nuanced understanding of the API ecosystem. This heightened visibility empowers teams by making essential API management information accessible to a broader audience within the organization.

Learn more about Azure API Management

Bundled Content

To help you get started, we have created some bundled content for you:


Azure API Management User Accounts Documentation
User accounts and their access to various Azure APIs via subscriptions. Adjust and expand it as needed based on your specific use case and documentation requirements.

Azure API Products Documentation
Explore a detailed overview of API Products within Azure API Management, featuring essential information to streamline your understanding and utilization.

Azure APIs Documentation
Customize the information as needed to align with your specific use case and documentation requirements.

  • Azure API Management: Changed Subscription Scope
  • Azure API Management: New Server Subscriptions Added

Where to find…

👉 To enable inventory of Azure API Management, go to Discovery > Credentials > Azure and enable “Azure API Management”. After the next discovery, you will be able to search for Azure API Management to find bundled content.

💡 Notice: You need to subscribe to vScope Cloud Module to access these new asset types.

Creation Date, Created By, Last Modified Date, Last Modified By, for IT Services

View when IT services was created or modified

New Meta Data Fields for IT Services allows you to better understand when IT Services were updated, and changed and who made the change.

Where to find…

👉 These fields are available to any user in Tables > IT Services > + Columns.

Change the layout of IT Services

How to create a copy and changing layout of an IT service

If you want to change the layout for an IT service, you can choose to copy the IT service and select a new layout for the copy.

💡 Notice: Only values in fields that exist in both layouts will be copied.

Where to find…

👉 Go to an IT Service > Copy.

Bugs & Improvements

  • Show username for the user account running a Job.
  • Updated links in Discovery: You can now find links to guides and FAQs when adding data sources.
  • Add more details about Permission Groups in the dropdown in Single Sign-On.
  • Fix for deleted group is still shown as a collaborator.
  • Fix for multi-input does not handle long values.
  • The last remaining column in the table cannot be removed but can be unchecked.
  • Search Icon is shown though it should not be shown in Share snapshot.
  • Hide non-static/non-configuration tags from Timeline in Properties. This means that vScope by default hides dates and values that change every day.
  • New Content: New slides on the Home Screen.
  • Display help text for the user to understand they could input multiple OIDs in an SNMP Credential.
  • Fix for format setting does not affect Date Tags
  • Explain to the user why groups are not found when using AD as a directory service.
  • Update Jetty to 10.0.18
  • Group mapping values are not reset when changing tabs in Directory integration.
  • Clearing reply-to address makes email sending fail.
  • Various usability updates in vScope Billing
    • Add a search field in the dropdown when creating Price items.
    • Show the number used by the billing account in the Price list header.

3.28.1, 13 November, 2023

What’s New

Smart suggestions helping you during your workday

Popular columns in Tables in vScope

Popular Columns, based on our smart suggestion engine, have been added to Tables to help you sort among thousands of values about your assets. Popular Columns learns from your behaviour, and automatically improves its suggestions based on how

Where to find:

👉 Popular Columns are available to any user in Tables under + Columns.

Improved visibility of where assets have been found

vScope displaying information about data sources

Quickly understand the contributing data sources to an asset with the new “Found By” section on top of every Asset Properties.

Where to find:

👉 Data sources are now shown in Properties of any asset.

Explore IT Service relationships in Tables using Tags

Create a tag with tag from relationship in vScope

Create custom tags and build tables about IT services that looks exactly they way you want. By Exploring and adding tags from relations to other assets, you can now show various values from related IT Services in the same table. This is very powerful if you want to more easily understand configurations and documentation about dependencies among different IT Services.

Where to find:

👉 As Administrators and Contributors in vScope, you can access this features by accessing Tables > Create Table > IT Services > Create Tag > Tag From Relationship > IT Service

Navigate to different tables from Ratio widgets

Example of how to navigate to various tables  from a widget

You can now navigate to different tables that are used as source for a ratio or comparison widget. Just click on the number you are interested in and you will navigate to the underlying table.

Where to find:

👉 Available to any Ratio and Comparison widget. Notice that you must have permission to view the underlying table for this to work.

Bugs & Improvements

  • Added links to guides for how to connect to data sources to vScope.
  • Fix for Azure Credential missing Inactive Devices toggle.
  • Fix for Tags from Discovery that sometimes did not not work from the latest release.
  • Fix for Veeam Backup scan sometimes aborting.
  • Fix for erroneous stitching of assets, mainly from VMM.
  • Various UI bug fixes in vScope Billing.
  • Various UI improvements, standardizing different views in vScope.

3.28.0, 26 October, 2023

What’s New

New Design: Browse your Billing reports in a completely new way

Billing in vScope

Notice 👉 We are continuously rolling out this facelift during October. Please get in touch if you want this update as soon as possible.

Revamped Design: Say hello to vScope Billing’s fresh and modern interface. We’ve given it a sleek makeover, making your billing reports more visually appealing and user-friendly.

Agreement Overview: You can now easily access a full overview of agreements associated with each billing account. This feature streamlines the process of managing and tracking your agreements, providing you with all the necessary information at your fingertips.

Enhanced Navigation: Our new design provides a more structured and user-friendly layout. You’ll find it even easier to navigate seamlessly from your billing account to specific agreements and dive into detailed billing information or price lists. This improved structure ensures you can effortlessly find the data you need.

Bugs & Improvements

  • Fix for not being able to add connection to Azure.
  • Fix for broken Veeam inventory.

vScope 3.27

3.27.10, 23 October, 2023

Improved customization: Filter tag values when creating new tagsCreating Tags in vScope

Create tags with values from other tags and use custom filters to fetch the exact values you are looking for. This is especially useful if you want to count or sum specific values from either another tag, or from a related asset. In the image above, we create a tag with all the Chrome applications that are installed on the machine – by filtering the Installed Applications tag matchin *Chrome*.

Find it in vScopeCreating tags using filters are available in Tables or Tags (admin or contributor permissions required)

Enhanced Discovery capabilities: Inventory platforms without targets using proxy

Proxy settings in Discovery Manager in vScope

Assign cloud platforms to be discovered using a Proxy. This way you can customize the inventory scope even further, by eg. inventorying various Azure environments using different proxies.

Find it in vScope: Go to Discovery Manager > Credentials and select a cloud data source (eg. Azure, Amazon, or Jamf).

Microsoft 365 Defender: Customized asset inventory

Discovery Manager in vScope

Choose to either inventory all devices in Microsoft 365 Defender, or ignore those that are Inactive. Inactive devices in Microsoft 365 Defender, are those devices that have been enrolled in the platform but has Sensor Health = Inactive. Devices will automatically be removed from Defender after six months of inactivity.

Bugs & Improvements

  • You can now add a field to a IT Service Layout multiple times.
  • Improve caching of Active Directory integration for user management. Should improve performance if you are using Active Directory instead of Azure SSO as Directory Service.
  • Fix for resolving � characters from SNMP devices. This is the actual value that is stored on the device, but vScope now ignores these values to show the values that is requested.
  • Fix for various broken external links.
  • Fix for non-readable Tag Description.
  • Fix for SNMP not properly collecting File Share values for storage devices.
  • Fix for saving Tracker notification settings for non-administrators in vScope.
  • Fix for various incorrect row-breaks in Library.
  • Various UI fixes.

3.27.8 & 3.27.9, 5 October, 2023

Collect Assets from Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD)

Azure AD & Microsoft Entra ID in vScope

You can now gather servers, clients, and mobile devices directly from your Azure Active Directory, enhancing the accuracy and completeness of your IT inventory.

Learn more

Inventory any printer device with extended SNMP functionality

Custom OID from SNMP inventory in vScope

By using Tags from Discovery for SNMP devices, you can collect custom values from OIDs on network devices and add as tags in vScope.

Learn More & Get Started


  • More relationships between users and devices.
    Owner Relationships:
    Gain better insights into device ownership with our latest user-to-device mapping feature. This improvement incorporates user accounts from Active Directory, along with their recent activity on a device, facilitating a deeper understanding of device ownership.
  • Viewer has a Profile Page: vScope Viewers can now personalize and manage their Profile page, providing a more tailored user experience.
  • Multiple IT Service Relationships: No more limit of how many relationships you can add between IT services.
  • Tool Tip: For improved readability.
  • Bulk Actions: Perform bulk actions efficiently, now available in Discovery Manager and Library for increased productivity.
  • UI & UX: We’ve made various user interface and user experience improvements across the product to enhance your overall experience.

Bug fixes

  • We’ve enhanced domain matching for Microsoft Intune and Windows Defender, ensuring more accurate information.
  • Addressed an issue where the “Copy IT Services” feature was not working as expected, ensuring seamless IT service management.
  • Fix for relationship in Service Mapping breaking.

3.27.7 September 21, 2023


Easily customize your table with quick filters for faster data manipulation

Overview of a table in vScope

The aggregation bar in tables is now expandable, allowing you to customize it your way

Aggregations in vScope

Custom timespan on KPI, Ratio, and Comparison widget

Customize widget time span

Select the timespan you want to view in your widget. The default is set to last seven days, but you can select up to last year. Notice, vScope will still use seven data points, but spread out over a longer period of time.

New advanced settings for Microsoft SQL inventory

Setting in vScope

You can now better customize how vScope authenticates when discovering Microsoft SQL. This complements the existing settings and gives you full control of how to inventory Microsoft SQL data sources.

Read more


  • View Share Access Control for CIFS Share: Follow up on who can access what in a CIFS Share, directly in a table (Try searching for Folder Permissions)
  • Manual Tags from Windows Defender: Windows Defender tags can now be manually managed as “Tags from Discovery.”
  • Updated Content: Enjoy refreshed and updated content for faster access to insights.
  • Various UI/UX Enhancements: Experience a smoother interface with eg. autofocus on the search field, improved checkbox alignment on larger displays, and updated spelling throughout vScope.
  • Performance Boost: We’ve made various performance enhancements to optimize your user experience.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue where SNMP collected multiple MAC addresses from printers.
  • Fixed the bug preventing users from changing the Collaboration group name.
  • Corrected erroneous stitching of devices from Active Directory.

3.27.6 September 7, 2023

Edit Profile page in vScope

  • Manage your own vScope Profile as a Viewer.


  • Performance improvements
  • Various UI improvements
  • Updated to Jetty 10
  • Improve matching strategy of assets from Microsoft Defender and Microsoft Endpoint Manager


  • Fix for being unable to copy service with missing components.
  • Fix for not supporting numeric Billing Accounts.

3.27.4 & 3.27.5 August 23, 2023

New Features

Invite more people to vScope Service Mapping and provide them with permissions that align with their roles. Now, you have the ability to grant viewers or users the capability to create and edit IT Services. This can be achieved through the use of Extended Permission Groups, accessible under Settings > Users & Groups.


  • Enhanced management of proxy updates, reducing the likelihood of version discrepancies between the master and the proxy.
  • Azure SQL database size is now displayed on Properties.
  • Update of vScope Profile page.
  • Progress is now shown by default in Discovery Manager.
  • Reach our support site at
  • Improved Discovery performance, using dynamic threads by default.
  • Improved performance in various tag calculations.
  • UI/UX fixes: Standardize button positioning, bulk actions, and table headers throughout the product.
  • Various bothersome UI glitches that might have caused frustration.


  • Fix for tag values from Azure missing on some Servers.
  • Fix for multiple remote office tag values shown.
  • Added fallback support to old MSSQL driver for SQL Server 2000. This will help you inventory more databases.
  • Fix for broken links in new Profile page.
  • Fix for missing relationship between application and machines.

3.27.3 June 20, 2023


  • Minor UI tweaks
  • Updated Tracker case about IIS sites
  • Improved stitching

3.27.1 & 3.27.2 May 29, 2023

New Features

Discover tips & tricks and hidden features with the carousel

We’ve curated an extensive collection of tips, tricks, and hidden gems in vScope to help you master it like a pro. Explore the tips in the Home Screen carousel to get the most out of vScope.

Collect your Custom Tags for resources in Azure

Custom Tags in vScope

Fill vScope with your custom data from Azure. With our latest update, you can now collect and organize Custom Tags on your resources in Azure.

Azure Portal

Pause email notification with the Out Of Office setting

Settings in vScope

Introducing Out Of Office (OOO) for notifications in vScope. OOO lets you pause email notifications for a limited time. This way you can pause tracker emails and other notifications from overflowing your email inbox while you are on vacation. Once back, you will take off where you left.

Visualize your IP planning in IP Insight

IP planning tool

We’re excited to announce that our IP planning tool, ‘IP Insight,’ is now available to even more users! Plan and manage your IP addresses effortlessly, gaining valuable insights into your network infrastructure. With this add-on, we’re bringing the power of IP Insight to a wider audience, helping you stay ahead of the curve and optimize your IP ranges.


Improved bulk actions in Tag Manager

Tag Manager

Managing tags has just become a breeze! Our enhanced bulk actions in the Tag Manager allow you to efficiently handle multiple tags simultaneously. Effortlessly apply changes, organize your tags, and save time on repetitive tasks.

Updated MSSQL library supporting TLS 1.3, now supporting enforcing encrypting

Your security is our top priority! That’s why we’ve upgraded our MSSQL library to support TLS 1.3. We have also introduce the ability to enforce encryption when connecting to your database systems.


  • New tags from processes, eg. ‘Process ID’ from Linux Red Hat OS
  • Section Description, and Tag Description is now shown in layout builder for IT Services
  • Better indication of the table state when adding a saved table to a collection, eg. if you are adding an unsaved version of the table to a collection
  • Updated Computation design components, replacing the modal with dropdown elements.


  • Fix for not being able to navigate from Billing to IT Services.
  • Fix for ‘Adding Component’ dropdown in IT Services.
  • Fix for not being able to delete tags when search is active.
  • Fix for Hyper-V VMs in vScope are missing Veeam Job connection.
  • Fix for Users not being able to view Tracker

3.27.3 June 20, 2023


  • Minor UI tweaks
  • Updated Tracker case about IIS sites
  • Improved stitching

3.27.1 & 3.27.2 May 29, 2023

New Features

Discover tips & tricks and hidden features with the carousel

We’ve curated an extensive collection of tips, tricks, and hidden gems in vScope to help you master it like a pro. Explore the tips in the Home Screen carousel to get the most out of vScope.

Collect your Custom Tags for resources in Azure

Custom Tags in vScope

Fill vScope with your custom data from Azure. With our latest update, you can now collect and organize Custom Tags on your resources in Azure.

Azure Portal

Pause email notification with the Out Of Office setting

Settings in vScope

Introducing Out Of Office (OOO) for notifications in vScope. OOO lets you pause email notifications for a limited time. This way you can pause tracker emails and other notifications from overflowing your email inbox while you are on vacation. Once back, you will take off where you left.

Visualize your IP planning in IP Insight

IP planning tool

We’re excited to announce that our IP planning tool, ‘IP Insight,’ is now available to even more users! Plan and manage your IP addresses effortlessly, gaining valuable insights into your network infrastructure. With this add-on, we’re bringing the power of IP Insight to a wider audience, helping you stay ahead of the curve and optimize your IP ranges.


Improved bulk actions in Tag Manager

Tag Manager

Managing tags has just become a breeze! Our enhanced bulk actions in the Tag Manager allow you to efficiently handle multiple tags simultaneously. Effortlessly apply changes, organize your tags, and save time on repetitive tasks.

Updated MSSQL library supporting TLS 1.3, now supporting enforcing encrypting

Your security is our top priority! That’s why we’ve upgraded our MSSQL library to support TLS 1.3. We have also introduce the ability to enforce encryption when connecting to your database systems.


  • New tags from processes, eg. ‘Process ID’ from Linux Red Hat OS
  • Section Description, and Tag Description is now shown in layout builder for IT Services
  • Better indication of the table state when adding a saved table to a collection, eg. if you are adding an unsaved version of the table to a collection
  • Updated Computation design components, replacing the modal with dropdown elements.


  • Fix for not being able to navigate from Billing to IT Services.
  • Fix for ‘Adding Component’ dropdown in IT Services.
  • Fix for not being able to delete tags when search is active.
  • Fix for Hyper-V VMs in vScope are missing Veeam Job connection.
  • Fix for Users not being able to view Tracker

3.27.0 May 8, 2023

New Features

Updated Home screen for better overview

Homescreen in vScope

New home screen with quick access to various views in your library. The updated home screen helps you visualize what’s in your vScope, including favorites, your content, or content that has been shared with you


  • New tags: CPU and RAM reservation from VMware
  • Updated colors on asset type IT service
  • New visualization of datastore storage information in PropertiesvScope UI


  • Fix for issues with invited users having problems signing in
  • Fix for AD integration, UI blocked upon changes
  • Fix for Hyper-V machines missing Veeam Jobs
  • Fix for search input loses focus on the search in the timeline
  • Fix for deleted groups lingering in the user manager
  • Fix for bad message 431 in Tracker for Service Mapping (too long URLs…)
  • Fix for not being able to hide rows from timeline
  • Fix for modal-overlay-loop when trying to delete a tracker case

vScope 3.26

3.26.1 April 13 2023


  • Fix for vScope Billing not loading after Directory Machines have been removed.

3.26.0 April 11, 2023

New Features:

  • View tags from neighboring assets, based on relation. Read all about it in this blog post.


Major update of IP Insight

  • Showing a legend of what the different colors mean.
  • Fix for not properly mapping IP address.
  • Any IP address now always redirects the user to Properties for IP Address.


  • vScope now shows a warning whenever one of your proxy installations is out of date (in Discovery Manager > Proxy).


  • Fixes for tags missing values for Certificates
  • Various bug fixes related to stitching, and merging duplicate assets based on conflicts trying to uniquely identify the asset.
  • An endpoint has been deprecated from the Azure Intune API, deviceUpdateStates. We are investigating if we can replace this endpoint with a new one. Until then, this will affect the following vScope tags:
    • Intune Windows Feature Update Version
    • Intune Windows Quality Update Version
    • Intune Windows Update Last Check-In Time
    • Intune Windows Update Last Scan Time
    • Intune Windows Update Status

vScope 3.25

3.25.15 March 20, 2023

New Features:

  • Inventory user accounts from any SQL database using vScope’s CustomSQL integration.


  • View Roles & Permissions for Azure App Registrations.
  • Now more hardware information from Microsoft Intune is displayed on Properties for All Machines and Mobile Devices.
  • In Table Explorer, tables managed by vScope now have the vScope icon showing.
  • Short-cut: Save a Copy is now always shown in Table Explorer whenever this is the primary action for a table (eg. when editing a bundled table).


  • Fix for Azure Mobile Devices not being inventoried from Azure if deviceID equal 000000-000….
  • Various fixes for text overflows in Properties and in Service Mapping

3.25.13, 3.25.14 February 27, 2023


  • New Asset Type: App Registrations.
    • List your app registrations from Azure directly in vScope.
    • Content about App registrations.
  • New Asset Type: Load Balancer.
    • Collect Load Balancers from a custom data source using Custom SQL.
  • Create a Copy of IT Service in vScope Service Mapping.
  • More currencies added to vScope Billing, find them under ‘Price List Settings’.
  • Admin can now customize default session timeout for user accounts in vScope. You find this setting under Settings > Manage Users.
  • More relations are available for IT services when ‘Get Tag From Related Resource’ in Table Explorer.
  • Minor UI improvements.
  • Various performance enhancements related to eg. caching and tag calculations.


  • Fix for Azure reporting “Too Many Request” when collecting installed applications. This issue seems to have been caused by Microsoft making changes in their API limits.

3.25.9 January 30 2023,
3.25.10 February 1 2023,
3.25.11 February 6 2023,
3.25.12 February 13 2023


  • Create rule-based tags using operations on tag values. This allows you to add a resulting value from eg. adding or subtracting tag values.
  • Collect Extended Properties from MSSQL.
  • Azure Integration now collects sign-in events from over a year back.
  • Improved security in session cookie handling in the web server.
  • Search for tag description when selecting columns in Table Explorer.
  • Improved handling of Hyper-V replicas.


  • Fix for opening Properties for assets from Microsoft Defender.
  • Fix for Veeam Servers not showing in All Machines.
  • Fix issue with creating SSO users.
  • Fix for missing API endpoints in Swagger API.

3.25.8 January 9, 2023


  • Tags from discovery for port groups from VMware
  • Options for inventory deprovisioned mobile devices and Chromebooks from G Suite
  • Improved tracker notification emails
  • Improved performance in the Billing module


  • Improved handling for process termination in VMM
  • Fix for broken avatar images

3.25.7 December 12, 2022


  • Tracker cases now support trigger criteria based on number of assets
  • New relationship between computers and last logged on user from SCCM
  • Updated navigation bar
  • Merge assets are now available in the following tables: Virtual Machines, Pysical Machines, Mobile Devices and Virtualization
  • New device/user relationship table on User and Computer/Mobile device properties page
  • New interface for displaying 403 – access denied and 404- not found errors


  • Fix for VMs in VMware not jumping between clusters

3.25.4 November 21, 2022


  • Custom Tags for VMware clusters via tag from discovery.
  • New Relationship: Intune Primary User ↔️ Primary Device.
  • Intune Primary device and directory roles added to Properties for User Accounts.
  • Intune Primary User added to Properties for All Machine and Mobile Devices.
  • UI Update: Updated modals using old design to the current design system.
  • Mobile Device Count added as default price item in vScope Billing.


  • Fix for not being able to share Snapshots.
  • Fixe for vScope sometimes did not return partial discovery when the G Suite probe failed.

3.25.3 October 31, 2022


  • Major performance enhancements for Azure integration.
  • Display Tag Description on hover of column header in Table Explorer.
  • Tags from Discovery now support Veeam Jobs and VMware Datastores.
  • Shortcut from right-clicking a row in Table Explorer to Service Card.
  • Show local user relationship between Machines and User Accounts in Properties
  • Sorting of asset types in Tags From Discovery.
  • Merging possible duplicate assets can be done from Table Explorer. Please review any suggestions from Discovery Manager first before making manual customizations of duplicates.


  • Fix for not being able to save HTTPS certificate upload.
  • Fix for not being able to changing authentication method from AD to SSO.
  • Fix for history line plot chart y axis being partially hidden.
  • Fix for asset type overlap between modules.
  • Fix for Azure integration not using configured HTTP proxy.
  • Fix indexOutOfBounds exception for Network Adapters.

3.25.2 October 5, 2022


  • Tags from discovery now supports User Accounts and Groups from Google Workspace
  • Tags from discovery now supports User Accounts from SCCM
  • New tag: Mac adress for printers
  • Primary devices is now available on Properties Page for User Accounts
  • Improved stitching for computers from custom SQL
  • OS build version is now visible under ‘Update settings’ on Property Pages for “All Machines”
  • Primary users table on Property pages for “All Machines” now also shows ‘Full name’
  • The primary users table on Property pages for “All machines” is now relocated to the top of the page.
  • Added search feature in the attribute dropdown for price items in vScope Billing
  • Added search feature in the ’View Billing Account’ dropdown in vScope Billing
  • Scroll gets reset when navigating between pages.


  • Date fields in vScope Service Mapping now doesn’t get converted into timestamps when changing into manual field
  • Action bar always remains visible when scrolling in the ‘Mange price list’ view in the billing module
  • Proxies configured in Settings > Connectivity is now used across every Azure integration

3.25.0 September 26, 2022


  • Upgraded vScope backend to Java 11
  • Updated vScope frontend libraries


  • Changed design element from text box to text area for Custom SQL integration in Discovery Manager

vScope 3.24

3.24.2, 3.24.3, 3.24.4

September 2, 2022

Copy Dashboard

Quickly create copies from existing dashboards and customize them the way you want.

Easier to manage content

Edit collaborators in bulk directory from your vScope Library.


  • New Tag: Quotas on Azure App Services
  • New Tag: Domain/Tenant on Azure VMs
  • New Tag: Desktop Central Service Pack
  • New Tag: NetBackup Last Run


  • Fix for Hyper-V host classification
  • Fix for content having no owner
  • Fixes for SSO


June 30, 2022

  • Directory Machines have been disabled. Computers in Active Directory are found under ‘All Machines’


June 27, 2022


  • 🎉 Invite users via email: Add peoples email as collaborator to invite them to vScope. Read More


  • Intune Compliance Description added to Properties for Computers
  • New tag: ‘Users Logged On’ from Microsoft Endpoint Manager (Intune)
  • Create tags from Discovery from SCCM with additional SQL views
  • Create tags from Discovery for Microsoft 365 Defender
  • Show more details about content to be deleted when deleting a user
  • Create copy of Price item
  • Shortcut to Library in Sidebar
  • Bundled content about Microsoft 365 Defender (try searching for 365 in vScope!)
  • Various UI fixes (eg. typography, icons, texts, etc.)

Bug Fixes

  • Various bug fixes in the AWS integration