Collect additional information about user accounts

In the latest update of vScope, you can use the CustomSQL integration to inventory more information about user accounts. This will help you enrich the data about user account assets in vScope, without requiring a full integration to your a data source. This is just one of the highlights of the March update of vScope.

New Asset Type for CustomSQL: User Account

Notice 👉 If you need to learn how vScope’s CustomSQL integration works, check out our guide here!

Table about User Accounts in vScope

Data regarding Identity and Access Management is often scattered in multiple data sources and has a tendency to be documented in not only Active Directory or Azure Active Directory. Examples of this could be an HRMS (Human Resource Management System) or sometimes even a Financial System, where a lot of user-based data is documented and stored by the organization.

For the IT organization, scattered data makes it harder to overview and access whenever you need it. You have to compile information from multiple platforms and data sources to get the full insight. This is not only time-consuming but also requires deep technical and scripting skills.

Configure IT inventory in vScope Discovery

With the latest update of vScope, you can use CustomSQL to get additional information about user accounts by querying any SQL database. Don’t spend time manually compiling user & access information from multiple sources and instead let vScope do the work for you. 🙌

Investigate permissions and roles for an Azure App Registration

Two tables in vScope Properties

We have extended our inventory of Azure App Registrations from our latest update, now including API permissions and roles. This way it is much easier for you to drill down and find app registrations that have some eg. specific API permissions.

Hardware info restructured in Properties

An asset viewed in Properties

More information from Microsoft Intune has been added to Properties for All Machines and Mobile Devices. While we added more tags from Intune we also spent some time restructuring Properties overall. We hope you like the changes!

New tags with information based on a relation

Get tag from related asset in tables in vScope

Did you know that you can add columns to a table by “Get tag from related resource”? This way you can view tag values, following a relation to another asset. Very powerful. However, to help you out a bit we have in this update of vScope added a few more “tags from related resource” by default. Check them out:

Manager for User Company
When looking at a device, the tag displays the Company of the user that is manager for a user account

Manager for User Office Location
When looking at a device, the tag displays the Office Location of the user that is manager for a user account

Primary Device Model
When looking at a user account, the tag displays the Model of a users primary device

Learn more

MARCH 20 2023
John Almvärn at vScope

John Almvärn
Customer Success

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vScope is a Great Place to Work

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