vScope 3.29


June 17, 2024

What’s new

Export Price lists in Billing

We have added the possibility to export price lists in Billing. You can either export a single price list from the detail view…

…Or make a bulk export from the price list overview.

When exporting, choose between the current or all versions, and the price list is then downloaded as an XLSX file in a compressed file.

Identify your assets in Billing

We have added a secondary identifier for assets in Billing which is applied to the price items. This is useful when having i.e. user accounts with ambiguous name tags.

Sign-in events, Application Usage Data and better control over you Azure discovery

Now you can inventory sign-in events for your app registrations in Azure RM. Go to your Azure App Registrations table and add e.g.”Last sign in” or other relevant sign-in events.

We have updated the property page for user accounts and added application usage data. This will help you to get a quick overview of any user’s application usage.


We have moved the App registration toggle as a subordinate to the Azure AD toggle. We then added a few more toggles such as: Users, Groups, and License plans. This gives you full control of what you wish to inventory from your Azure AD.

Bugs & Improvements

  • Add multiple tag values in “Add Manual Tag Float”
  • Fetch “CPU Name” from Windows Operating System
  • Error when deleting tables and dashboarded deleted in Library fixed
  • Widget added to dashboard float
  • Minimized logging of failed custom probe attribute (SCCM)
  • Bug in Desktop Central probe fixed


May 27, 2024

Bugs & Improvements

  • Approve proxies before being used in Discovery
  • Allow user to edit value(s) in List field type in IT Services
  • Optimized stitched strategies
  • Updated dropdown for users in IT Services
  • Missing pagination support for MS Reports in Azure probe fixed
  • Improved discovery performance for Intune (apps for devices)
  • Bug in search field text in filter pane fixed
  • Bug in Jamf Cloud discovery main schedule fixed
  • Updated content


May 20, 2024

Bugs & Improvements

  • Jamf Cloud not included in main schedule runs fixed
  • Azure AD reports: Last Teams / Sharepoint / Onedrive / Mailbox Activity tags missing for user accounts fixed


May 6, 2024

What’s new

New authentication for Adobe

As the JWT credentials will no longer be supported after Jan 27, 2025 we have now added oAuth authentication to vScope.


Bugs & Improvements

Bulk import columns now supported

Email Billing Export now supported

Added data to the Windows probe

Added bulk functionality when editing a IT Services


April 15, 2024

What’s new

Property page for Organizational units added

Now, users have access to comprehensive details about organizational units through property cards. These cards offer insights into General Information, Configurations, Relationships, Users, and more,

Link from an IT service card to Tables

If you’re working in IT services and stumble upon a table you’re eager to delve deeper into, we’ve now included a direct link to access that specific table.

Bugs & Improvements

  • TLS v1.3 in Netty enabled
  • Description to the table in Tags Created from discovery & edit added
  • Creating and editing Credentials improved
  • Usability of match and range filter in Tables improved
  • Improved web security
  • Bug in the Oracle probe fixed
  • Bug in collaborators from dashboards to tables fixed

March 19, 2024

What’s new

Office 365 Application usage

Gain valuable insights into your team’s Office 365 application usage with our latest update. Newly added tags allow you to easily identify various activities in Office 365, such as the least recent user in Teams, the most recently added users in Exchange, or users with the highest storage usage in OneDrive.

Collaborators in IT Services

The ‘collaborators’ button has been moved from the secondary menu in IT Service Details to the header of the Service card. This change aims to improve user experience within IT Services, making navigation more seamless and intuitive.

Bugs & Improvements

  • The settings page in IT Service has got a UI update
  • Fixed date tag age computation in Tracker not always filtering correct
  • Various discovery bug fixes
  • Fixed a module assignment bug
  • New property page for Service Plan
  • Fixed weird scroll effect when Hovering on targets in CustomSQL and LDAP probes
  • Various UI/UX Improvements

February 5, 2024

What’s new

Custom Tag Collection from Azure RM

Tag from Azure RM

Enhance your cloud environment inventory in vScope by creating custom tags with values sourced directly from your Azure RM environment. This new feature allows you to tailor vScope’s inventory to include more data points relevant to your needs, enriching your cloud management capabilities.

Proper Bulk Actions

Bulk action sin vScope

We’ve streamlined bulk operations throughout vScope, enhancing your ability to manage large volumes of data and content efficiently on key overview pages, including IT Service Overview, Library, and Billing.

Easier search in vScope Billing

Searching in vScope Billing

Navigating through extensive billing details is now simpler. Our enhanced search functionality across all Billing sections allows you to swiftly filter and display only the information relevant to you, making it easier to manage and review your billing items.

Bugs & Improvements

  • Fix for related assets not updating when saving an IT Service.
  • Fix for not being able to push user settings to selected users and groups in User Management.
  • Fix for duplicate MAC addresses causing stitch issues for machines.
  • Fix for warning icons on IT services not always showing.
  • Various UI fixes to tables, settings, billing, and IT Services.

February 5, 2024

What’s new

Introducing PowerShell: Custom inventory of Registry Keys

Powershell in vScope

With PowerShell, you can now enjoy a more flexible and customizable approach to documenting and reporting on your IT assets. Using PowerShell to discover your IT infrastructure will unlock additional features such as Just Enough Administration (see below).

Printscreen of Windows Registry

The first step to a more flexible inventory is discovering custom keys from the Windows Registry. Try it out today!

Learn More

Enhanced Permission Management with Just Enough Administration (JEA)

A simple diagram on how Just Enough Administration Works.

JEA allows IT administrators to define and implement precise, role-based access control to their IT environments. By leveraging JEA within vScope, you can delegate sufficient permissions for vScope to read the exact data you want it to read on each server/client asset.

Get in touch to learn more

New interface for creating tags from discovery

Managing tags in vScope

We’ve updated the flow for creating a tag from discovery. This allows for a smoother experience when collecting custom values from your data sources, and adding them to tags in vScope.

How to create custom tags from discovery in vScope

Bugs & Improvements

  • You can now search in tables in Properties.
  • Fix for long dropdown headings being cut-off.
  • Fix for duplicate values in Asset Serial Number from Desktop Central.
  • Fix for not being able to delete notes from Properties.
  • Fix for not being able to add ‘False’ as tag value.
  • Fix for filters not being case insensitive when creating tags. If you want to use case sensitive filtering, please refer to hHow to use regular expressions in vScoperegular-expressions-in-vscope
  • Fix for not showing text area in IT services.
  • Fix for scroll issue when testing credential in Discovery Manager in Azure.
  • A few other fixes for consolidating the UI.